Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Timeline: The Mess

Almost every book I've written is actually connected in some way. I call it 'The Mess', because it is rather messy, and there's quite a bit of errata between series and such. There's a good reason for this: I don't outline, and sometimes I write books that take place in the future before the books that take place in the past are even faint glimmerings in my mind.

Here is the current timeline, in order: (It will be updated as more books are written.)

Binding the Hunt (part of Heart's Desire)
Nine Lives and Three Wishes (currently a standalone novel)
Blood of the Innocents (currently a standalone novel)
The Tenth Ghost (Book 1 of the Jacob Lane series)
Heart's Desire (Book 1 of the Beth-Hill series)
The Ninth Guest (Book 2 of the Jacob Lane series)
Fire and Water (Book 2 of the Beth-Hill series)
The Eighth Room (Book 3 of the Jacob Lane series)
Budget Cuts (A Karen Montgomery story (#1)
The Secret of Redemption (A Karen Montgomery story (#2)
The Seventh Secret (Book 4 of the Jacob Lane series)
Ladybug, Ladybug (A Karen Montgomery story (#3)
Scarecrows (Book 3 of the Beth-Hill series)
The Sixth Stone (Book 5 of the Jacob Lane series)

(And far into the future, Prince of Shadows, Lost in Shadows, and Bound in Shadows.)

(I'm not quite sure where Full Moon fits in, but it does. Somewhere.)

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