Monday, March 9, 2009

People: Lucas Lane

Lucas Lane is Jacob Lane's uncle and the Council Historian. He is also pretty much in charge of the Council nowadays; the elves who live beyond the Veil live in dread of what would happen if Lucas were to die.

He gave up his life to the Council early-on; it's more of a calling to him than an actual job, and he expects other Council members to feel the same way even if they do not. He's always been fascinated with the Wild Hunt; and he's always been unfailingly polite to Gabriel in the hope that he will win his trust.

Lucas would prefer that everyone asked him first instead of asking permission after the fact. But he realizes that as a member of the Council, he's in an odd position, and as the Council Historian, he is suspect no matter what he does.

He lives in a small stone cottage about a twenty minutes' walk from the Hunt's lair, right on the edge of the forest that surrounds Beth-Hill.

He is probably somewhere in his mid-70s.

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